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Pablo Pazmiño, MD
2811 Wilshire Boulevard Suite 800
Santa Monica CA 90403
(310) 776 •7545 Tel
(310) 496 •2077 Fax
1•8 •SPINECAL •1 Toll Free
1•877 •463 •2251 Toll Free
Pablo Pazmiño, MD
Orthopaedic Spine Specialist
Orthopaedic Spine Specialist
www. spinecal .com
www. spinecal .com
of the population
will have neck
pain at some point in their lives. Actually neck
pain is one of the most common reasons peo-
ple visit their doctor.
Neck pain typically does not start from a
single injury. Instead, the problem usu-
ally develops over time from the stress
and strain of daily activities. Eventually,
the parts of the spine begin to degener-
ate. This degeneration can become a
source of neck pain.
El Doctor habla Español