Page 2 - Laminoplasty

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As you can see the bone is made of a spongy bone
marrow interior. There is a consistent honeycomb
arrangement pattern within the bone which provides
its compressive and tensile support. On the photo
above normal bone is on the left, and osteoporotic
bone is displayed on the top right. Here you can see
how thinned out the bone matrix has become.
The degree of osteoporosis is determined by your
bone mineral density (BMD). If your BMD is reduced,
bony architecture is disrupted, and the amount and
variety of proteins in bone is altered. This is deter-
mined by your T Score. This score compares your
bone density to the number of standard deviations
above or below the mean for a healthy 30 year old
adult of your same sex.
Osteoporosis is responsible for more than 1.5 mil-
lion fractures annually in the United States, including
300,000 hip fractures and approximately 700,000
vertebral fractures, 250,000 wrist fractures, and
300,000 fractures at other sites.
As a result of Osteoporosis you can develop com-
pression fractures in your spine. The photo on the left
shows nice bony white blocks of the lumbar vertebral
On the photo on the right, notice how the bones are
almost see through. Also notice some bones have a
wedge like shape compression fracture.
What can I do?
The maximum at an intake of about 1200 mg/day.
This means eating more Calcium does not mean your
body will be able to absorb more. Diet plays a role
and eating fresh fruits and vegetables on a regular
basis, drinking lots of pure milk, and consuming
high-quality proteins will go a long way.
To find out if you have Osteoporosis, Dr. Pazmiño
can provide a screening exam and may recommend
a DEXA Bone Scan to determine your BMD.
What medications are there?
Bisphosphonates such as alendronate (Fosamax),
ibandronate (Boniva), and zoledronic acid (Reclast),
slow the rate of bone thinning.
BONIVA is designed to decrease activity of the cells
that cause bone loss after menopause, with just one
tablet a month, or a quarterly injection.
Calcitonin (Calcimar or Miacalcin), a naturally occur-
ring hormone that helps regulate calcium levels in
your body and is part of the bone-building process.
When taken by shot or nasal spray, it also slows the
rate of bone thinning.
Forteo is a man-made form of a hormone called
parathyroid that exists naturally in the body. Forteo
increases bone density and increases bone strength
to help prevent fractures. This is the only medicine
that builds bone.
What are my surgical options if I sustain a fracture?
A kyphoplasty is one of the most common procedures
for compression fractures in the spine. This procedure
involves placing small needles into the back through
which Dr. Pazmiño inserts cement inside the vertebral
bodies to help reinforce and supplement the bones com-
pressive strength. This procedure has provided excellent
results in a select group of patients with intractable pain
after a period of bracing and is one of the most common
procedures performed by Dr. Pazmiño annually. For
more information see our website
www. spinecal .com.
A fusion is a procedure where two unstable or fractured
elements are fused, or joined to eacho ther. In some
cases after a fracture instability or an abnormal posture
can develop. For these situations it is best to stabilize
the spine with a construct designed to support the spine
internally as it heals. This is often performed with screws
and rods in a variety of different manners. In the photos
below you can see how screws are placed into the spine
and how they are secured afterwards with a rod.
The best offense is a good defense. In this case it is
best to prevent a fracture in the first place. Speak with
Dr. Pazmiño about screening and treatment options for
Osteoporosis, before a fracture happens.
Normal Osteoporosis